To-Do List This Sembreak

  1. Hate Mr. Del Rosario and Ms. Ileto for giving us assignments. Although, I doubt I will be doing any of these.
  2. Stop being so excited for November 1's whole-family Subic excursion. (3 more days!)
  3. Look for the freaking DSL hotline and start badmouthing whoever picks up the damn call center telephone.
  4. Wrench my phone open and hammer the darn LCD-blah.
  5. Try to stop karateing my achi when I sleep in her room.
  6. Clean the paper-mess and stocked pile of worthless bronzed bookpages on my study table.
  7. Get the gay lightbulb fixed.
  8. Stop the emo-pathetic stats.
  9. Love math for a short-lived time for the sake of my MATHINIKAN2007 contest.
  10. Detach myself from 2-5.


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